Chapter 390: Waiting For Him

Irish had many female patients who took the principle that it was important for a woman to get married to a good man, which was more significant than doing well herself. But when they finally get married to their Mr. Right, they would be suspicious of their husband as long as some brilliant women got close to their husbands and would get angry. In fact, it could be understood because it was a way to get attention. But the result was always terrible since quarrels could not solve the problems at all. Every time when she met this case, she would tell them that if she still loved her husband and if she also ensured he loved herself, what she had to do was not to cry or have a quarrel but not to give him too many choices, because there were indeed many temptations outside and love would come in time. What she should have done was to smile softly beside him, holding his arms and making a choice for him.