Chapter 393: What A Pity

Irish could feel that Joseph's behavior had changed, and his purse lips were released, as well as his clenched chin loosened. The moonlight was cast on his pointed nose, which was combined with the outline between his eyebrows, showing his charm. As she was nestled in his bosom actively, he also tightened his arms around her waist. Moved by his action, she was more closely attached to him and breathing in his warm breath again. She also missed the sense of security he gave to her.

Besides, there was a light wine aroma.

She was confused for a moment. He drank wine at noon, but why was the aroma so strong at night? After careful observation, she could observe that he was sober and not intoxicated at all.

Her long hair intertwined his strong arm and swept his fingers lightly. Her breath fell on his chest lightly and made him soft. In the dim light, her clear and soft voice was so sweet, unlike the arrogant and sharp one.