Chapter 403: Stop Torturing Me

Joseph smiled and slowed down his pace, rearranging the ups and downs to the softness that, unlike before, he tried not to excite her post-peak sensitivities.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the lip. He had pushed her sensitive body up into the clouds for the fourth time. She was a delicate, maddening creature for men.

Joseph deserved to be an old hand in sex. In front of Irish's still trembling body and perfect curves, other men would only know how to possess it desperately and only want to feel it for a while. But he was so slow to appreciate the taste. For him, this was only the prelude tonight.


When Cassie stayed in the bathroom for more than ten minutes, her mother began knocking at the door, and she replied helplessly, "I was still in the shower." Her mother went back to the living room to watch TV after hearing her answer.