Chapter 407: I’ll Give You A Break

Irish made his mood improve, and Joseph's lips corner slightly up. There was a subtle light flow between lips and teeth, which made him sexy. His broad palms slapped her hips, making Irish cry like a kitty. He chuckled and teased. "Why do I think money is more attractive than me in your eyes?"

Irish's chin rested back on his chest and moved as he breathed, and the air of elegance clung to his. "Yes, money is much more attractive than you." Her finger gently drew a ring on his chest, smiling, "So, do you know what you can do to stand firm?"

Her fingers tickled Joseph's heart, and he was pleased to see her sticking like a slug to himself. To him, she was so petite that she was now more like a baby, too small to let him rub her into his body. His long fingers twisted a strand of hair, slightly raising eyebrows, waiting for her to continue.