Chapter 414: You Have To Thank Me

Outside the window, the sun slowly shifted southward. Joseph's cheeks were half bright and half dark. His eyes were still silent and were still staring at Irish, and her bold and slightly provocative words did not make him unhappy. Seeing him silent, Irish was even more curious, hesitating to ask, "Don't you hate your brother?"

Joseph smiled and shook his head. "No, he's my only brother. How can I hate him?"

"You never mention your brother, so I thought you hated him."

"Not to mention it is not I hate it, but I'm not used to talking about myself." Joseph sincerely said.

Irish believed him. There are many people in the world who like to share and are willing to share. They will exchange their own affairs for trust and proximity, and some people will do their own thing and will not deliberately force others to get close. They don't trade their personal affairs or experiences with others from time to time.