Chapter 428: I Don’t Want To Hear Your Promise

Irish did not expect that Cassie would say that, and her smile was frozen slightly, and she replied after a few seconds, "Cassie, it's different."

"I know I shouldn't mention it to you, and I also hope you can let it go in these years. But now that you have experienced the same pain as me, you should have known that I can't just forget Fredrick so easily."

"Cassie, you misunderstand me. What was  different between the two situations was his death but not the love Adam and I have had." Irish explained softly, adding, "I am just guilty, and I feel that he died because of me."

"Are you guilty?" Cassie blinked her eyes and then said, "But how can you let it go since you love him so much? Is there any guilt left in you?"

"What are you talking about?" Irish smiled and continued, "Yes, I liked him so much, but it is not love."

Cassie stared at her as if she was a stranger and then shook her head after a long while, "But you didn't say this to me before."