Chapter 457: I Have To Teach You A Lesson

The tremendous stimulation made Joseph could no longer help but feel the scalp burst open suddenly, and two big hands were more vigorously grasping her back brain, which buried him deep in her mouth.

Irish only felt his tight legs and listened to his suppressed low growl. 

Everything was still.

She heard the eardrums thumping, and the breath was full of man's smell.

When Joseph finally let go, her face was red.

The milky liquid escaped from her lips and teeth. Her cleavage, her collarbone, her cheeks, and even her hair were wet.

He gave her a lot.

After a long time, Joseph pulled her out of the table, held her directly in his arms, and kissed her wet forehead. She smiled at him and pointed her fingers at his chest. "Can you let me go now?"

"Where do you want to go?" he asked, with a deep voice and a slight breathing disorder, sexy.

Irish was not afraid now, putting her arm around his neck, "Go home."