Chapter 479: Do You Hear Me?

"Why do you take us as the murderers? I even think you are the real murderer!" Ruby roared with a cold voice.

"I am sorry to tell you that the police have ruled out my suspicion yesterday." Irish smiled softly and added, "But you have to accept my investigation along with the servants in your family. Before I find out the murderer, there is suspicion in any of you."


"You must be joking! How can we be murderers? Who are you? Do you think you are qualified to lecture us? You can't stop me if I want to go out!" Shirley snarled.

"You're Henry's wife. Are you sure you want to challenge the rule? Your husband also agrees with this decision. You'd better call him, asking for suggestions before going out." Irish turned gravely.

Hearing this, Shirley was astonished while Ruby looked awkward and then said hesitantly, "Even if we don't go out today, we don't have to accept the investigation with the servants."