Chapter 485: What’s The Hell With You

Two minutes before she was awakened, Jordan, who sat beside the bed, looked at Irish's closed eyes curiously and then asked, after staring for a long time, "I heard that when people have a dream in sleep, the eyeball will turn. Is it real?"

After he finished his words, a man stepped forward, stared at her for a few seconds, and then concluded, "Perhaps it is true."

"Well, then, she is having a dream now. Do you know what she is dreaming about?" Jordan was even more curious.

Joseph drew back his attention from his deep meditation, glancing at Leo, who didn't intend to answer the question, and soon Joseph turned to Jordan, frowned, and said severely, "Stay away from her. She needs to breathe fresh air."

Jordan looked at Joseph unpleasantly and replied, "I didn't block her nose." 

"Don't talk nonsense." Joseph turned gravely.