Chapter 488: It’s Betrayal For Him

The kiss really had a magic effect. Joseph himself had to admit that he couldn't get himself out of her softness, and he couldn't even refuse her directly.

Joie was shut in the confinement ward, and after screaming out, he fainted. And when he finally woke up, he didn't give an answer no matter how the police asked but was just immersed in his own world.

And then everyone saw such a scene.

Through the window of the confinement ward, Joie, in a red dress, sat beside the bed and made gestures in the air. 

His facial expression was very strange, as if he was dull and losing his sanity. 

His fingers were posed into orchid ones, and every action showed strangeness.

The police all felt strange, which was why they called Joseph.

Joseph also couldn't understand his behavior.

However, Irish stood in front of the window and watched it carefully without any words. After a great while, she suddenly said, "He is drawing an eyebrow."