Chapter 496: Listen To Me

"That's enough!" Henry was angry and yelled. "Shirley, if you dare say a word more, pack up your things and leave my house!"

Shirley stopped, but her eyes glared at Joseph.

"What else do you want to say, Joseph?" Henry's eyes glanced at Irish and finally fell back to Joseph.

Irish's heart could not help tightening.

Joseph slightly pondered, then quietly said, "Thank you for years of cultivation."

Somehow, a little bit of hope in Irish's heart was extinguished, and soon she responded. What was she expecting? She should not have expected anything until the matter subsided.

Henry looked at Joseph's eyes with a trace of complexity, but things had been like that, so he could not say anything. He leaned on the sofa with tiredness on his face. After a long time, he sighed heavily.

Seeing the situation, Shirley could not help but open her mouth. The next second, Henry reprimands, "It's really a fake marriage, don't make a fuss!"