Chapter 511: I Should Serve You

After a long time, Roy looked up, whose drunk eyes were dim, looking at Joseph, and his smile obviously helpless, "Joseph, do you know what love is?"

Words startled Joseph.

"When you think you know love, it's bullshit!" Roy was drunk, talking nonsense, pouring the wine, and said, "When you think you can have her, in fact, you are just a backup!"

Joseph's fingers, holding the glass, stiffened for a moment. He knew that Roy was saying this to himself, probably for Cassie's sake, but it slipped into his ear and groped inexplicably into his heart.

It was not that he did not believe in Irish's love but that when he saw clearly that she had lied to him, the weight of that love had become a question.

In other words, did he understand love?

Or did he think he knew a lot, but in fact, he didn't know anything about it?