Chapter 516: Don’t Cry Honey

He was rigid, and when he was about to turn back, her crying voice sounded, "Joseph, do you want to abandon me? Why did you say she was young and beautiful? Why do you have to simulate me? Why did you tell me that you had sex with her? Is she better or more beautiful than me? Does she love you as deeply as me?"

Her arms were shivering while her continuous questions struck him violently, and then he suddenly realized that he had treated her so cruelly.

He hastily turned to her and called her name but was shocked when he saw that she was holding him in pajamas.

Her hair was wet, as well as her nightgown, and her cheeks and her eyes were drowning in tears.

But he saw clearly that her eyes were red and looked pitiful.

Irish looked up and stared at him. Instead of being wrong as just now, there was obvious anger in her eyes and anxiety.

She even didn't give him a chance to explain to her.