Chapter 526: How Do You Feel?

Irish kept vomiting which startled Christy since her first thought was that the food she ordered for Irish was not unhygienic.

It took Irish a long time to walk out from the toilet, and Christy hastily rushed to hold her, asking her anxiously if she needed to go to the hospital.

Irish looked pale as a mermaid that had just been salvaged from the sea, gradually losing her vitality, and her stomach was empty now. It was not until she sat back on the chair that she then asked torpidly, "What song is that?"

"What?" Christy was shocked and replied after a long while, "All lights go out."

Irish looked at her surprisingly. 

"What's wrong with this song?" Christy was totally confused by her.

"Why do you have this song?" In fact, Irish wanted to ask her why she had the same song as in her dream. But she dared not to ask her this question because she also couldn't explain it.

Unexpectedly, Christy was astonished when she heard her question.