Chapter 532: Isn’t It The Most Painful?

Irish opened her mouth and answered quickly. "Red, white and black."

Fredrick nodded and drank the coffee. Irish got anxious again, "So there is no problem with my memory?"

"In terms of the preliminary test, there is no problem, but it will not prove there is no recessive disease." Fredrick put down his cup. "You are familiar with this kind of test, and you are prepared well psychologically to some extent."

Irish knew what he meant.

"Have you ever had trouble sleeping in recent times?" 

"I have no nightmares again. It's just occasional."

"Do you have any symptoms of dizziness or nausea?"

"What do you suspect?" Irish gripped her fingers stressfully, "Is it because of psychological causes that my memory has some problems?"

Seeing that she was so stressed, Fredrick opened her fingers and sighed, "As a psychologist, you must know that all the causes need checking."