Chapter 534: You Finally Come

She prepared to close the door, and then the star spoke softly and gently, "Leo. So many beauties come here." 

Then her shoes with high heels stepped on the carpet, making a little sound. Irish put her hands down. She saw the actor smiling charmingly at Leo. Her slender waist was so soft, "Remember to call me."

Leo raised his lips lightly. He didn't refuse her or answer her.

As the star passed by her, Irish smelt the perfume of Chanel 5.

Leo stood up to pull her into the room and then closed the lounge door.

Irish seemed to laugh at him, "How about locking the door? What if another beauty comes in and misunderstands us?"

"Do not trick me." Leo sat down on the sofa and added, "Please open the window for me."

"Don't worry. I won't disclose you two. You don't need to jump from the building." Irish giggled and looked at him.

Leo stared at her, "I won't do it to commit suicide."