Chapter 541: It’s Too Much

Joseph there seemed to be relieved, "Good."

"Joseph," Irish called him.


"Will you really be back soon?" Irish asked as if she were a frightened child, biting his lower lip hard in tears.

"Yes." There was no hesitation, no doubt.

She smiled with tears.

The sky in Venice was rather somber.

At the end of the phone, Joseph stood in front of the window at the end of the corridor. His angled face flashed by the dim light of the sky, he seemed calm, but deep in his pupil was billowing.

The strong arms stood on the edge of the window, and the veins popped from the back of the hand. 

Soon, clear heels sound raised behind, followed by Daisy's voice, "Mr. Dover, it's time for the meeting."

Joseph did not respond.

Daisy did not continue to urge him, carefully standing behind and waiting.

After a long time, Joseph opened his tone, determined, "I want the fastest flight home."