Chapter 555: You Like To See A Man?

The loud noise broke the stillness of the bedroom.

Jordan in bed was alarmed, but perhaps he was too thirsty for sleep, he frowned, muttered, turned over, and fell asleep again.

Of course, it was impossible for Irish to jump on the bed and pull him up, so she knocked things louder and made a bigger noise.

Jordan was impatient, pulling up the quilt to cover the head.

Irish's knock made her wrists sore, and when she saw that the man on the bed had not got up, she stood at the head of the bed and thought about it. She went to the sofa and took some pillows, one by one, then hit Jordan.

"You're almost awake at night, so you're having a hard time getting up during the day. Jordan, you have grown up!" 

The man in the quilt moved, and the impatient voice roared out, "Don't bother me!

"Get out of bed!"

Jordan was still quiet.

Irish thought about it and turned around, and went out.