Chapter 567: I Send Your Daughter A Gift

The man was restless since he didn't expect Joseph to investigate him, so he hastily took the check on the table and smiled, "Mr. Dover, I think it is good to take this check. You are right. I can't move the cash, and I believe in you, and it must have no problem with this check. Oh, now these disks belong to you."

After finishing his words, he stood up and wanted to leave.

But Joseph said behind him slowly. "Why are you in such a hurry, Mr. Grand? You must wait until I finish my words since you have taken my money."

The man swallowed and sat again, staring at Joseph vigilantly.

Joseph tapped at the cigarette, and the ash dropped immediately while the smoke floated from his finger like the soul he had killed. Joseph still smiled faintly, and his eyes were so profound.