Chapter 577: Can You Still Be Willful?

Roy didn't expect that at this late hour, there was someone still wide awake, startled. After seeing it was Lilith, he was relieved. He strolled to her, threw his bag casually to the tea table, and languidly sat beside her.

"Being your big brother for so many years, I never knew you liked fighting movies."

Lilith stared intently at the big screen, which was playing the TV series of the special police war on drug traffickers. The two sides were firing and shooting, and the special police officers were fearless and had the posture of fighting to the death.

Roy wiped his hand with a wet napkin and sent a few grapes to his mouth, and when he saw a scene on the big screen, he couldn't help laughing. "Hey, this movie is too exaggerated, and each of them is invulnerable like an iron soldier," he said. "If it were true, there would be no one to sell drugs for a long time."