Chapter 580: How Do You Come Back?

Her left hand grabbed the door, opened it in a small gap, and reached out.

A suite of clothes was handed to her, and she took it, fingers inadvertently touching Jordan's.

He took a sharp breath and relaxed his hand but failed.

Irish caught the clothes that were about to drop on the ground at once with a quick motion.

"I'm sorry." Jordan apologized again, his voice flurried.

Irish did not know why he apologized again, did not have time to think about it, said nothing, and closed the door.

Outside the bathroom, Jordan's heart seemed to have been scratched lightly by the cat's paw. The position of his hand that had just accidentally been touched by Irish was also burning hot. He did not know what was wrong with him. Usually, he has some occasional skin contact with Irish, too. But she used to be violent when trying to beat him, and he didn't feel that weird stuff before.