Chapter 583: I’ve Deceived You

Joseph immediately apologized, put his arms around her head, and gave her a heavy kiss. It made Irish laugh, pointing at him, "I've deceived you. People say women who are pregnant will be silly for three years, and I think you guys are too."

Her happy mood infected Joseph, and his mouth could not help rising, "Yes, you only have wits to play me fool now."

She reached out to hit him, coquetry.

He took her by the wrist and coaxed her, "Don't hurt the child."

She glared at him, "Can't I fight back?"

Joseph immediately surrendered, "Well, then, I'm not moving, and you can hit me, okay?"

"All right." Irish, like a pup, would wobble in his arms, as if with a tail, and leaned against him sweetly, "I don't want to hit you."

Joseph was in a good mood and teased her, "This makes me feel grateful."