Chapter 592: President, You Misunderstood Me

Henry saw her opening her mouth, gratified, and turned to see Ruby and then to Roy, word for word, and he said, "Remember, no matter what happened, three of you are

siblings. You can't hurt each other. Roy, you are the eldest son, the eldest brother, you should protect your sisters.

Roy nodded forcefully, "Dad, you rest assured."

Henry then glanced around the room and said weakly, "Before I go, I want to say a few things to tell. First, the estate in my name shall be allocated solely in accordance with the will. Anyone has no right to interfere with the assignment of lawyers. Second, the company relies on the opinion of the board of directors, so the staff...All positions are arranged according to the Board of Directors. Roy and Irish, as shareholders, go back to the Runestone Group, having the right to participate in each of the businesses; third, Ruby...go abroad immediately; fourth, and... Shirley Channing officially dissolved our marriage.
