Chapter 598: Do Not Trick Me

"No," Irish said idly. As she put down the apple, she was totally on the sofa again.

"Look at yourself, and you are so pale. What's up?" Mary asked her.

Irish didn't mention that she was pregnant now because as she thought of the fact, she would think of Joseph, and then the scene happened in the hospital.

"It's so cold. I tend to be like this when it's winter." She just made an excuse.

"Just stay here. I will boil some soup for you. You are so weak now." Mary felt aching for her.

Irish smiled slightly without any words.

Steven came out from the kitchen. Taking a glance at the news about the Runestone Group, he just sighed and sat down at the other end of the sofa. He looked at Irish, "Do you plan to return to the Runestone Group or...?"

Irish shook her head lightly, "I have no idea."

"In my opinion, it is a mess now, and it is right for you not to come back. Besides, Joseph will keep an eye on it." Mary suddenly chimed in.