Chapter 606: Keep An Eye On Her

Obviously, he knew the ulterior motive of the backstage manipulator, but no one would help someone else to clear the obstacles for no reason. Joseph was not a God, and he was also an ordinary person, so he would have his own selfishness.

And his selfishness was the three goals, as Irish said just now, but she was so accurate for the last point because it was true that he didn't care who held the most stocks, but what really mattered was who could be in charge of the company in the end. He didn't intend to look down upon anyone, but it was true that every member of the Lake family lacked the competence to open up the market. Now Henry had been dead, and the fund was still frozen at present, but no one could deal with it, including Irish and Roy. He had to maintain the Runestone Group, which also belonged to his family, and how could he leave the company in the hands of the Lake family?

But he had never thought to uproot Henry by this incident.