Chapter 609: Continue To Contact Her

Joseph handed the urn to Irish and then turned to Roy, saying indifferently, "Don't worry. This funeral has to be held normally, so I will be there."

After hearing this, Roy was relieved. Joseph reached out and pulled Irish, talking to her with a low voice, "I have asked Jordan to your mom's graveyard. You go there to meet Jordan first, and I will come to find you soon."

Irish stared at the urn in her hand silently as if she didn't hear his words. She only felt that the urn was so light. Why did a living person become a pile of ash?

What was the meaning of being alive? And what was the meaning of fighting fiercely for profit?

No matter being rich or poor, everyone would turn to ash in the end after death.

Joseph couldn't figure out what she was thinking about but only saw she lowered her head and looked dreary, so he was worried about her. "Isabel?" He called her softly.