Chapter 619: Where Is My Baby?

Irish followed his eyesight, and when the red blood heaved insight, she was suffocated for a moment. Every cell in her body screamed for pain. She was like a prisoner who was about to accept the death sentence, bearing the torture in great pain.

"Where is my baby?" Joseph gnashed his teeth and asked word by word.

Irish felt pain since he clenched her so tightly, so she drew back her hand from his palm, getting off the bed after looking at him for a moment. She staggered into the washroom, and when she walked out, her forehead was wet.

Joseph stood up subconsciously, and the unfathomable premonition was stronger.

He felt that he had seen the crow that slammed into the car and then cried mournfully.

A pool of blood unfolded before his eyes.

Irish could not walk anymore since she was so weak, so she leaned against the wall, and her back was wet with sweat. She was like being on the ice.