Chapter 630: Your Physical Body Might Suffer

Lilith crept to the door, clenched the woodcarving in her hand, listened to the approaching footsteps outside the door, and swallowed her saliva nervously.

The sound of footsteps stopped in front of the door. Then there was the sound of the door handle turning slowly.

Lilith raised the woodcarving in her hand, only waiting for the other side to push the door to give each other a fatal blow. She had heard Irish say that the explosive force that people generated when faced with danger was extremely powerful, and it was important that she could escape the tiger's mouth.

But the question was, was she going to wave the woodcarving at the man's head?

The wood carving in her hand was very heavy, which indicates it was solid wood carving.

Was this going to be hard enough to beat people on the head? In hesitation, the door opened.

A man's foot first stepped in, followed by half a body.