Chapter 641: Have You Forgotten My Words Before?

Cassie felt very thirsty, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She exerted effort to sober herself, pushing him away but stumbled. She was like a drunken person and was unable to stand steadily but could only see his blurred face.

"Roy, what have you added to my water?" She felt it was hard to talk clearly since her tongue was numb.

Half asleep, she saw him walk to her step by step, but she still had consciousness and was alert. Trying her best, she stumbled to the door, but the moment when she touched the door handle, she fell down on the ground and was unable to stand up again.

She felt weak, as if she had lost her spine. The coldness of the ground spread all over her body, but she could do nothing but see Roy walk to her step by step.

It was not until he finally stopped in front of her and looked down at her.

She was too weak to look up. Though she was furious, she could say nothing, and her tongue was numb.