Chapter 653: I Don’t Mean That

Cassie looked at him while she was hurt by the pain in the deep of his eyes. She felt that a sharp sword stabbed her heart and then wrapped it to freeze forever. Her heart, filled with agony, still kept groaning out of pain.

"Fredrick, we have to break up." She knew that every man in the world would care about this kind of thing, let alone if he was a successful man with achievement. Roy had established a wall that was firmly blocking her and Fredrick. She couldn't overstep while it was also impossible for him to come over.

She was a loser at this moment because as time passed, this thing would take root in Fredrick's heart and eventually grow into a towering hatred. She didn't hope he would regret it someday and didn't hope that people would make disgraceful comments about her.

She was walking in a totally different direction from Fredrick, and it was no longer possible to have an overlapping day.