Chapter 661: Want To Die?

The man's fingers were not light and heavy, but he managed to catch her so that she could only gnash her teeth at Joseph's face through the night. The anger that had accumulated for more than a month quickly climbed and began to erupt.

She did not speak, pressed her lips tightly, and her eyes were hostile.

But this appearance was extremely beautiful, and those eyes were like the flames burning in the night. Anger, and hatred, all turned into a seduction that a man wanted to conquer. Joseph slightly squinted his eyes, the next second, the tall figure pressed over, bowing, his thin lips clung to her tight lips.

The good smell of wood, wrapped Irish, layer by layer, was breathless.

As the man forced them to open her lips, her hand slowly reached under the pillow, then lifted her hand unaware.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder exploded.