Chapter 694: I Won’t Hurt You, Good Girl

Joseph found the ethyl alcohol.

When the dripping was done, he helped bring down her fever with ethyl alcohol, according to what the doctor had said.

He sat on the bed, reaching out to gently unbutton her.

The flushed skin was exposed.

The woman who was burned trembled subconsciously and then murmured, "Please don't…"

The word "don't" hurt Joseph, and his eyebrows also frowned painfully. Did she reject him? Even at this point, in her subconscious mind, she still repelled him.

The woman on the bed was very uncomfortable. She murmured, frowning more tightly.

Without thinking, Joseph took off her clothes, and she struggled.

Finally, Joseph had to stop, bending over and holding her. He gently said beside her ear, "I won't hurt you, good girl."

In his arms, Irish was quiet. Her eyes closed, and her eyelashes trembled gently.

Joseph gently let her lay down and took off all her clothes.