Chapter 703: One Year Is Enough

We were all lost in the long street with the moonlight shining. On a cold night, we were helpless like children, wandering over the edge of love and hatred and struggling amidst crime and penalty. The dream about that period of old times came once and once again. We were silent and waited for the day when all the misunderstandings could be explained, and love finally came back. 


The spring trees became green suddenly, and that was all due to the rising temperature.

The twigs also grew green, and the color mixing of winter jasmine and spring plum made the view become beautiful.

And in this way, New York's spring came surprisingly. The cold winter has passed as if the old memory has been covered by a new one slowly without any trace.

Irish remembered that it was just at this time last year that she came back from abroad, but all the flowers bloomed better.

There were different flowers in different seasons.