Chapter 715: Who Would Believe It?

Irish was surprised but did not want to continue speculating on his ideas. She lightly said, "So now you have nothing to ask me, right?"

Joseph was silent.

Seeing him like this, Irish turned to go away.

As soon as her finger touched the doorknob, she listened to Joseph. "You're not a gentlewoman, but you're a smart woman. Smart people never want to mess with their future."

Irish clung to the handle of the door with a stiff finger and looked back in surprise.

What did he say?

"Guess what will happen if you walk out of me like this?" Joseph asked an understated question.

Irish let go of her hand and turned around, and stood still. "What do you mean?"

Joseph smiled meaningfully, "Very simple. All I want is your obedience, otherwise, I will close the door for you, and you know, nobody will open the door for you."

Irish frowned and looked at him.