Chapter 721: You Forgot Who You Are Now?

She couldn't wait to leave him and wished she had never met him.

He longed to see her and could not help hurting her.

That's why he threw her on the island for more than a month, and also he gave her only the choice of two places to live when she returned to New York.

Because he was selfish, he thought that no matter if she was on the island or in Midtown Manhattan, at least he could find her, so she never left him.

When he returned to New York, he couldn't wait to see her.

But when he thought of her eyes, he was irritable and impatient without reason.

He knew that in this state, even if he saw her, the result was hurting her.

He could not bear it and ordered Daisy to arrange his work to the fullest. He was as busy as a gyro and devoted himself to the business day and night as if he had returned to the days when he did not know her.

In the evening, he would rather paralyze