Chapter 727: Come And Pay For Me

Time passed, and everything between them had changed and could never return.

Irish felt so weird when she stayed with him.

A sense of hunger drew her back from her thoughts. Irish touched her belly and then took a look at the time. It was already midnight, but Joseph still didn't contact her and did not even send her a message.

He really went too far. Irish thought silently. 

It was he who took the initiative to invite her for lunch, but now he didn't contact her at all.

Walking around, Irish passed by the store where she tried clothes a moment ago. And when she passed by, the clerks happened to look outside. After thinking for a while, she walked towards the store again.

After stepping into the store, Irish picked out the clothes she had tried on earlier and then sent a message to Joseph, "I am in the International Financial Center and tried several dresses. I have no money. Come and pay for me."
