Chapter 732: What Else Do You Like?

Joseph did not react much after hearing that but glanced at her, and the light in his eyes was calm and sirened as ever. Of course, when his lips were slightly closed, he looked a little serious. And from the perspective of his side face, she could not see whether he was happy or not. 

She admitted that she had said it intentionally. During this time, she had experienced far more than she had in the previous years, and she had to use "lover" to define the relationship with him from their encounter to falling in love. Everything was like a big dream, a magnificent dream that made her gaunt.

She remembered Adam, who had been in her dreams before, so true and natural as if dreams and reality had made two spaces. She shuttled through these two spaces. And one was life with Adam, and the other was with Joseph, sometimes, she would be in a trance, unable to tell what dreams were from reality.