Chapter 741: You Can’t Give Her A Happy Life

Jay felt so guilty since he was clear that it wasn't her fault. Lilith did nothing wrong.

It was also hard for Jay to be so cruel to Lilith. Her sobs disturbed his heart as a sharp knife pierced him. Jay felt so painful that he turned around, his eyes looking sorrowful.

Lilith bore a glimmer of hope when she found that Jay finally turned around, so she loosened her grip for a little bit and then buried herself into his arms, with her cheeks against his chest.

Raising his hand, Jay held her face and said in a husky voice, "Lilith, could you still accept me like this?"

Staring at his eyes, Lilith quivered and opened her mouth, but soon tears came up again. She nodded and then replied, "Yes. I love you, Jay. I can't live without you."