Chapter 761: Her Charming Photo

Joseph could not help laughing, said. "She is so beautiful now that I can imagine how adorable she was as a child."

"Now? Well, she is not as good as when she was a kid. She changed in the opposite direction. She was much prettier when she was a kid. Her hair was curled like a doll. Wait, I'll show you her childhood photo album. "Steven gave full play to the positive enthusiasm, got up, and walked to the drawers. While tumbling, he laughed and said, "You should be glad to be with Irish. She has had so many pursuers since childhood, receiving countless love letters from childhood, and boys took the initiative to block the door of our house. Hey, I got it."

It was a thick photo album, and the cover was pretty old. It was a film photo album, but there was no dust on it, so it could be seen that it was often read.