Chapter 772: Are You Not Feeling Well?

Time never has a timeline, but in Irish's eyes, it has. So time is artificially divided into segments, some of which she used to do things, some of which she used to eat, drink and have fun, and some to be used for forgetfulness. 

But after meeting Joseph, she took out some of her time for missing, and then she was hurt. Only then did she find that she loved so hard that she was hurt and bruised all over her body. Therefore, she gave up the missing time, not wanting to continue to struggle to live.

It took a year.

The past year was so fleeting, and she was like grabbing a handful of quicksand, and it quickly flew between her fingers. If there was no timeline in the hospital, then more than a year of memories were full of flower flavor. In the coming year, Irish had long been ready for it to accept the double torture and test from the body and mind.