Chapter 791: You Really Want To Quarrel With Me?

It was already early summer, but Jordan came back with coldness. As Irish opened the door, she had a coat on her. She couldn't help coughing when Jordan came in angrily. 

Although she wasn't clear about what had happened, she felt it was not good. She could clearly feel the anger in Jordan's eyes, flaming fabulously.

Seeing Jordan rushing in hurriedly, Irish pulled him and lowered her voice, "It's late now. You'd better have a talk with your brother tomorrow."

Jordan took a glance at the bedroom on the floor, saying angrily, "I need to have a talk with him now!" And then he threw Irish away and went upstairs.

Irish hurriedly stopped him and patiently persuaded him, "Do not do it this way. You'd better have a rest now. It may make a noise."

"Go away!" Jordan snarled. Irish didn't like it, so she just leaned on the stairs and said, frowning, "Joseph is tired now. Could you please be more considerate?"