Chapter 800: I Didn’t Say It

Leo looked at her. "You misunderstood that he was affectionate and righteous. As I said, he is a heartless man. Call the police? Is he willing to waste his time on the police? As a matter of fact, he does not care about Jordan's life."

Irish could not believe it. She admitted that Joseph was strict with Jordan, but she absolutely did not believe that he was heartless to Jordan and even didn't care about Jordan's life.

"But isn't Jordan all right now?"

"He managed to escape." Leo's mood was slightly excited. "At that time, Jordan was kidnapped in Laos, where drug traffickers often rioted in order to fight for territory. The kidnappers didn't get any penny, so they decided to kill Jordan. When the kidnappers finally decided to do that, there was rioting in the area, and the rioters robbed and smashed them. Before they could escape, the kidnappers were killed, and Jordan pretended to be dead before he escaped the disaster."