Chapter 804: I Will Never Get Married

People would always boo and hoot at the wedding ceremony and they often joked with each other as long as they didn't violate the principle. Irish felt at a loss since she was held to the center of the stage. Those unmarried young girls all rushed to Irish. Seeing this, she turned to Joseph out of the subconscious. However, Joseph neither stepped forward to help her out of a predicament nor told them they had broken up. He just stared at her, bathing under the sunlight, his eyes flickering with lights. He wore a faint smile, meaningful and difficult to see clearly.

Cassie held a bunch of flowers, running her eyes over the crowd since they tried to find out where Irish was. Roy took over the microphone and then said to Lilith. "Lilith, don't stand motionless there. Go and stand along with Irish. She is a lucky girl today. I hope you can be as lucky as her and find your Mr. Right as soon as possible." 

Lilith's face flushed, and she rolled her eyes at Roy.