Chapter 806: Are You Familiar With The Pattern?

Just in this way, she saw Lilith nodding lightly. Lenard stood up excitedly and hugged her up, making circles happily.

Lilith was not so excited. Irish guessed that maybe Jay and Lilith wouldn't come back from the old memories they had spent together. Everyone had his own pursuits and pride.

Lenard put the ring onto Lilith's ring finger. The light of the ring shone. Seeing this, Irish felt a little sad and dreary.

As she raised her eyes, she saw Joseph who was with a complicated expression. She moved her eyes away and just saw a lonely figure leaving quietly.

It was Jay.


Irish left before the end of Cassie's marriage. On the one hand, Roy was always with Cassie, and he even intervened in their conversations. On the other hand, the next day, Irish needed to take a business trip. Although she was unwilling, it was a doomed trip, so she could only follow the order.

As it was darker, the party began. Irish left.