Chapter 813: What’s Wrong With Her?

Irish felt touched again and just sighed lightly. She took a glance at Joseph, who was not far from her. The people across from him kept talking, but he just listened with a smile, seeming absent-minded.

"Do you know we have broken up?" Irish said lightly.

Daisy felt surprised and shook her head, "Joseph hasn't mentioned it."

Irish bit the sucker and didn't say anything.

The atmosphere was very quiet. Even a talkative man would be elegant here, so Irish just had dinner quietly.

She just couldn't control her eyes, and she wanted to look at Joseph at any time. Several times she met his eyes, and then she looked back immediately. Her heart beat quickly.

As she was to finish her dessert, Irish took a glance at Joseph again, but she saw a figure suddenly.

It was a woman's figure who warded off her view.

The woman sat beside Joseph with great passion while Joseph poured a glass of wine for her.

Irish felt hurt.

It was Rosy.