Chapter 819: Was It Hard To Find Someone?

"In all these years, he has never had a fixed date. I thought I would still have a chance. After all, I am the woman who stays for the longest time with him. I don't hesitate to use Britney to get close to him, by the way, I can get his attention again, but Joseph's heart is too ruthless, and he has never taken me seriously." Britney sounded lonely, but her voice was wrapped with hatred.

Leo got up. "To tell you the truth, I'm not interested in listening to the history of your relationship with Joseph. As for in what kind of way you want to return to Joseph, that's your business. I just want to remind you to be careful. Do you think Joseph won't notice your plan? He is too smart to get fooled. He seems to always treat you as an outsider and never his lover."

"I've been with Joseph for three years, and I've loved him for so many years. You know, once a woman falls in love with a man, she can do anything." Britney firmly uttered.