Chapter 827: Will He Leave With Us?

In that case, they lost the clue. As they finally figured out the meaning of the pattern, the man who held it was dead. 

"Is there anyone who keeps a close relationship with him?" Jay asked since he remembered the man who committed suicide.

Carmen shook her head as she thought for a while Jay was lost in his thoughts after getting an answer from Carmen.

"But I heard that he is so weird," added Carmen suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"He killed people without shedding!" Carmen replied briefly since it was just hearsay. "It is said that he is different from Killer, who always kills people with his gun. But the man with this pattern could make those people who he hated commit suicide," Carmen continued.

Jay trembled slightly as he heard this. 'Commit suicide?' he wondered.

"Did that happen before?" asked Jay.