Chapter 846: I Will Take Care Of Myself

His voice didn't sound angry, which made Irish feel relieved. "I will get back to New York at night. And it is just a temporary business trip. I know you are busy with your work, so I didn't bother you," Irish replied softly.

"But it is better to get someone to accompany you," Joseph said while sighing slightly.

"Don't worry. I will take care of myself," Irish said, trying to convince him. She walked slowly, and the breeze caressed her cheeks. She stood in front of a stone tablet with an inscription on it. "Fate cannot be forced, and where better to take its course," Irish read it in a low voice. The sentence kept lingering in her mind.

'Does my marriage with Joseph take its course?' Irish wondered.

The relationship between the lovers could not be forced as well, and they had to go through many hardships before they could really be with each other, just like Joseph and Irish. But now everything has fallen into place.