Chapter 848: The Wedding Dress Is Gone -1

The room where the wedding dress was set separately was not too big, and one could look at the end with a glance. The wedding dress originally put on the mannequin was missing. Only the bare mannequin was there.

The staff who managed the wedding dress was a little girl in her early twenties, and she stood at the door and was frightened. She continued to apologize to Irish, and the butler of the hotel, of course, was in a hurry and scolded her. So, she cried.

Irish was not in the mood to comfort the little girl. The wedding was about to begin, but the wedding dress was gone. 

"What about the wedding?" Cassie bit her teeth with anger. Even now, scolding the staff did not help, so she asked, "Aren't you looking at the wedding dress all the time? How can it disappear?"

The little girl choked up and said she went to the bathroom for a while and found the wedding dress missing when she returned.