Chapter 851: Wishing Great Happiness And Luck To You Guys

Of course, Irish didn't know how much effort Joseph had put in to get this diamond ring, and Joseph had kept it for some time for today's marriage proposal before he took it out, and only Daisy, who stood behind then, was clear about the whole story.

Leo, who stood behind Irish silently, was slightly shocked because he had seen this diamond before. Joseph got this gem when he descended into the mine for the first time and it was a rare gradient color diamond that was called Hecate, a Goddess in Greek mythology. Although Leo had only seen it once, he was deeply impressed. Once it entered the market, it would definitely be better and more expensive than the one he launched at the press conference a few days ago. However, Leo didn't expect that Joseph would use it to propose.

Irish was like the Goddess today, and she was the only person who was qualified to deserve it.